Mini(ish) catchup post.

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Just a quick post to keep up to date on current projects, there’ll be a more detailed blog sometime this week most likely. The site I was helping out Toni with, I had to sort of take over and finish off, as the client wanted it done, presented it last Friday, all is well, he’s asked me to review and give examples of what I can do with another of his sites, and is also sending over a brief for a video project I’ll be asking another colleague (Laurie) to come in on if all takes off.

Busy Christmas, but did have the time to meet Graham, another Management-Training-Consultant-area-person who’d like his website to be overhauled. The other project for Horsham Council is well underway, proofs have been sent over, adjustments made, and coding has started. More on all happenings later, I’m busy doodling away at the moment.